Hey Dad, It’s Wendy
I don’t remember the last time I saw you, but I remember feeling happy when mom picked me up early from school and told me we were leaving you. Up until that point…
I Lied About My Life
I never had an easy time making friends. If you read my last post, “23 Meadow Way” you know that we moved around a lot, often urgently without getting to say goodbye to…
23 Meadow Way
I lived there for grade 3 and part of grade 4. We left suddenly in the middle of the night under a thick cloud of fear. He found us. That day had been…
Smoke Signals of Thought – Self Sabotage
For as long as I can remember, creative pursuits have been important to my wellbeing. As a small, terrified child, drawing or writing or really making anything with my hands was an escape…
After All This Time
I get impatient with myself. I’ve had over 30 years to put myself back together again, yet here I am still finding pieces. As far as I’ve come, the journey seems endless. I’ll…
It’s Easy to Get Lost Down Here
It starts with a single thought; a simple notion. It starts with a breath and the first heartbeat of the morning. It starts and I find myself sinking down. I find myself dreaming.…
The Day You Left
I hate the way you look your skin freezing in the air conditioning You didn’t move when I shook you and I started screaming What happened to you my love What has happened…
Prelude to September
I used to have a blog that I posted to daily for several years. This blog was an outlet for me to explore a grief that I recently realized is largely unknown to…
A woman and a little girl sat by a babbling winter river. They sat close enough to touch and watched the swirls of clear, cool water swim by. The grey winter sunlight through…