Room 19
These walls. These familiar walls. Names and dates scrawled over every inch. Geometric patterns scratched anxiously into the light blue paint, mathematical equations he couldn’t understand. This graffiti meant nothing to Allen. It…
The Waiting Room
Life is a waiting room. We wait. We wait in line. We wait in cars and on buses and planes. We wait for phone calls and mail deliveries. We wait for appointments, promotions,…
“Nobody’s seen The Smiths for weeks,” Jon told Rich on their walk home from school. “My mom said they moved, but at night I can see blue flickering, like a TV is on…
It’s Just Water
The bombs fell in September. We saw the mushroom clouds blooming on the horizon and ran for the bunker. The air-raid siren wailed like a frightened child, cutting through what had been a…
The Ravine
“I can’t” Laura said. “Yes. You can” Jay replied, “Feel this?” he tugged on her harness “and this?” he knocked on her helmet. “Yes, but-” “But nothing. These keep you safe. I’ll be…